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4th block IXth international triennial

The IXth international triennial of ecological graphic art and posters «4th block» is traditionally held on the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. The triennial presents a complex visual dialogue on the most pressing problems of our planet. This year received more than four thousand posters, of which the selection Committee left for exhibitions 930 works.

Professor Oleg Veklenko, President of the triennial said: “It was a huge work, which has taken more than eight months of our curators. In the end, the exhibition will feature the masters of graphic design, and young talents from different corners of our planet, from Ukraine to Japan.”

The three main exhibitions for this year are “Human Ecology”, “Ecology of the Earth” and “Cultural Ecology” dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the writing of the medieval masterpiece “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri – “Inferno”.

The video is a courtesy of Aleksey Yalovega.

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