Published Under Exhibition
Poster for tomorrow 2014
On Thursday December 4th was the inauguration of the outdoor exhibition Poster for Tomorrow “Work Right!” in Paris and the official opening of the boutique for tomorrow.
Stop Child labour, End Modern Slavery, Fair and Equal work are messages that will be sent through the “Day for Tomorrow” exhibitions. Human Rights Day will be celebrated by some 30 “Work Right” exhibitions around the world from Pakistan to Bosnia, Russia to Canada, flying over Turkey, Cyprus, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Morocco, United States and many cities in Latin America!
This year’s catalog featuring 100 best posters out of 4301 proposals from 133 countries was also presented at the opening exhibition. You may want a copy since the posters included are awesome.
Enjoy the video, it is a courtesy of BDE Intuitlab.
design, events, poster, social.