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Published Under Biennial

BiceBé Vinicius de Moraes exhibition

BICeBé 2013 and Diseñadores de Bolivia in association with the International La paz FestiJazz organized a poster exhibition in honor to Vinicius de Moraes on the centenary of his...

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Innovation in Education

Published Under Exhibition

Innovation in Education exhibition

Innovation in Education was an international poster contest and exhibition organized by Atatürk University from Turkey in...

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Published Under Exhibition

Creacartel Exhibition

Creacartel is a annual poster contest from Venezuela, the theme of the 2013 edition was to design a poster for the Red Cross....

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Positive Poster

Published Under Exhibition

Positive Poster Exhibition

Positive Posters is an annual open brief poster contest from Melbourne, Australia. The images in this post belongs to the Melbourne...

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Published Under Exhibition

Occupy Leipzig Exhibition

Exhibition organized by Plakat Sozial, Grafikdesigner BmG and NextbyDesign, Occupy What’s...

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Good 50x70

Published Under Exhibition

Good 50×70 2009 Exhibition

One of my posters (the one with a red cross over a white background) exhibited in Milan in the context of the Good 50x70 Poster Contest third...

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